Electric & Manual Meat Grinders
We at Homebutcher know that kitchen equipment isn’t just about the knives. While knives can be a chef’s best friend, other tools can be essential to have around in your delicious work space. There are two types of meat grinders; electric and manual. Both may be self-explanatory in their titles, but never the less, both can get all the necessary kitchen work done with a fine performance. For those new to the cooking world, meat grinders are used to mix together raw or cooked meats or any other foods. Without further ado, we’d like to introduce you to Homebutcher’s stock of meat grinders.
#35 Manual Meat Grinder. This heavy duty cast iron meat grinder makes for a reliable and durable job when you’re mixing meats. While this is a strong and durable device, it’s tin-plate makes it stationary and also attractive amongst the other kitchenware. This item also comes complete with 3 knives and 3 plates.
Pro-Cut KG-12-FS Meat Grinder. Fitted for #12 plates, this meat grinder runs on a ¾ hp 110v motor and grinds 430 lbs. While the body of cabinet and pan are stainless steel, the head auger and end ring are made up of cast iron. This Pro-Cut comes complete with a 3/16 pan, a knife, and 1-year parts & labor warranty.
Pro-Cut KG-22W #22 1hp Meat Grinder. A fantastic highlight of this item is that it’s incredibly easy to clean. Its deep pan results in a machine that can take almost anything as it grinds up to 1300 pounds per hour on a 1HP (M-22 R1) motor. There are no limits to Pro Cut KG-22’s setting; feel free to use it in restaurants, supermarkets, butcher shops, etc. Comes with a 1-year parts & labor warranty.
Pro-Cut KG-32-MP Single Phase. Efficient, fast, and long-lasting - running on a 3HP motor, this meat grinder can handle up to 55 lbs per minute. The large throat diameter makes for fast feeding so you can get the quality of work you desire while being quick. Its headstock and screw are tin-dipped, making for an extreme hygienic tool.
Our stock of electric meat grinders can be found here: and our stock of manual grinders can be found here: Availability varies on items.
- Olivia Hayse
Collection Spotlight: Boldric

The Boldric mission is to provide good quality kitchenware at an affordable price for their customers. Their products are hand-crafted by their faithful employees, creating only the best of products for any customers. Their kitchenware - pocket canvases, aprons, etc - strives to fit any individual who wants to do their best in the kitchen. Boldric also has company designers who will custom make their items to best fit a kitchen worker’s needs. Here at Homebutcher we have an extensive line of Boldric products that are on Sale. These would include 6-pocket knife bags, different colored aprons to best fit your style, tote and leather bags, and more.
These items are made from raw materials in compliance with industry best practices. Boldric has some of the greatest quality items that are affordable in any cook’s price range. This fine collection offers design, style, durability, and value to create amazing kitchen accessory products just for you. Never forget that even what you hold your knives in are your greatest friends. Check out our collection of Boldric items here and don’t forget that some items include free shipping. And also check out other knife collections and see which can go great with your accessories from Boldric.
- Olivia Hayse
Collection Spotlight: Nora Knives
At Rodriguez Butcher Supply, we take a great deal of pride in our selection of knives. From Japanese and European blades to American-crafted mixed styles, each brand of knife is individually selected based on quality, design, user friendliness, and attention to detail. This month, we highlight Nora Knives, an American small batch cutler.
Nora Knives was founded by Steven and Danielle Jenkins, a young couple living with their two young sons in Southern California. Steven, a former engineer, and passionate cook began as a knife collector. As his collection grew larger, he began paying greater care to sharpen them, and ultimately decided that the only way to acquire knives up to his standards was to make them himself.
Nora Knives are designed with a focus on functional elegance - Danielle says that knives, “aren’t meant to be shoved in a drawer; they deserve to be cherished and loved, displayed and honored.” Together, Steven and Danielle create knives that can be kept in usable condition for decades.
Each knife has a unique handle and a blade designed for a specific purpose. Take a look at Rodriguez Butcher Supply’s full stock of Nora Knives here and be sure to notice the varieties that are currently on sale!
- Olivia Hayse
Collection Spotlight: Jason Knight
Here, at Homebutcher, we display a variety of uniquely branded knives that are efficient, stylish, and have a user-friendly performance so that all kitchen endeavors may be dealt with. One particular intriguing thing about the brands we sell are their unique origins. Last month, we discussed our collection of Carter Cutlery and its unique creator, Murray Carter. This month, we cast the spotlight on a creator that has a more expressive approach to the design of his namesake brands. Jason Knight’s line of knives are not only functional in the realm of kitchenware but are also considered an art form.
At the curious age of 9, Jason’s admiration of knives led to him creating his own. This path would lead him to not only making specific customized tools for the kitchen, but Bowie formed and a various assortment of larger knives, too. Later in life, he became further fascinated, working as a stone carver and sculptor, with the art forms of blades. This fascination led to Jason winning “Best New Maker” for one of his products in 2001. Another award would come later down the line in 2002-2003, gaining the title “South Carolina Knifemaker of the Year.” This would ensure his presence made among the knifemaking community. From then on, Jason would take to knife forging like Picasso took to painting, “Making knives is the best art medium, it is fun, you can paint, carve, engrave. I enjoy making functional art, every knife I make can be used.”
Jason Knight has truly taken the craftsmanship of knives and turned it into an artform. His featured knife with us is the 7.25 inch Damascus Chef Knife. It features an elegantly designed blade with a handle made of Koa wood. Its blade will help any user slice away kitchen endeavors with a swift chop. Also, keep following this page to see what other Jason Knight Blades make it to Homebutcher.
- Olivia Hayse
The Portrait of The Carter Cutlery Knife Collection
Carter Cutlery to the average eye will seem like every other kitchen knife set, but the professionals will tell you that it’s artistically handcrafted to help you with all your kitchen endeavors. Here at Homebutcher, we are the place to go for knife collections that chefs from all walks of the kitchen would be absolutely astonished by - in use and in style. Homebutcher’s collection of Carter Cutlery knives is fascinating in their design and performance. Here’s the portrait of the Carter Cutlery collection and its creator, Murray Carter.
Murray Carter, since he was a boy, had always been fascinated with knives. When he was 18 years old, he moved to Japan where he was able to divulge into such fascination, becoming the apprentice of a 16th generation Yoshimoto Bladesmith for 6 years. He continued to forge blades, even being recognized as a “Mastersmith” by the American Bladesmith Society, and eventually returned to the United States where he continued to produce his line of Carter Cutlery. While the prices are steep for these Japanese handcrafted knives, their performance and style are sure to bring the best of benefits.
In our collection of Carter Cutlery, you will find these items:
- High-Grade Series 156mm Nakiri
- 9.04 sun International Pro Series No Bolster Gyuto
- 5.18 sun Kuro-uchi Series Nakiri
- And more!
Don’t forget to watch the Portrait of a Bladesmith - Murray Carter video to learn more about Cart Cutlery knives. And don’t wait to put in your order for this amazing collection; shop now!
- Olivia Hayse
Global Differences Between Knives
Much of what determines which knife best suits you comes down to personal preference. If you are on your feet, chopping and dicing for hours on end, you may prefer a lightweight knife that facilitates quick movements. If you use your knife less frequently, but require more power, a heavier knife might suit you. The world of knives is vast - and, while much comes down to the differences between individual bladesmiths, knives can be broadly divided into three categories based on major features: Japanese, European/German, and Mixed.Japanese knives were originally developed to perfectly cut the less fibrous vegetables and seafood that are cornerstones of the traditional Asian diet. As such, Japanese knives tend to be lightweight, with a focus on sharpness. Descended from samurai swords, Japanese blades are generally made from metals with a high Rockwell (a technical term referring to hardness), meaning their sharpness is unparalleled and can be held for longer. They often feature a blade with a small bevel (angle), allowing for incredibly precise cuts. With light bodies and sharp blades, Japanese knives are designed for technical accuracy and extended use.
German blades, however, were designed to deal with the heavier vegetables and meat common in the European diet. Their blades tend to be much less precisely sharp than their Japanese brethren, using metals with a lower Rockwell and a higher bevel. While this decreases the blade’s sharpness and requires frequent sharpening, it makes the blades less likely to chip and rust. Additionally, German handles and blades are generally heavy, allowing for the chef to use the knife’s weight to push through whatever needs to be cut, breaking apart problematic ingredients.
Globalization has allowed for the development of ‘Mixed’ knives that pair different aspects of knives together - for instance, a Mixed knife might feature a heavy German handle with a sharp Japanese blade. Our showroom features a wide variety of Japanese, German, and Mixed knives for you to test out - because, with so many knives to choose from, the best way to find one right for you is to hold it yourself!
- Olivia Hayse